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How do I contact a guidance counselor?
Parents are encouraged to call, email, or make an appointment to meet their child's counselor:
Main Guidance Telephone Number: 860.647.3533
Parent Line (for voicemail): 860.647.5088
Students may initiate a conference with their assigned counselor by making an appointment.

How many Credits do I need to Graduate from Manchester High School?
25 credits are required for graduation.  

How do I change a course?
Speak to your teacher, or set up an appointment with your counselor to discuss changes in your schedule. Changes typically take place in the beginning of the quarter; yet, if you are requesting a level change to a higher level, that will be done any time prior to the midpoint of a course.

What is the "Not for Rank" option?
Students may choose a “Not-for-Rank-in-Class” option for two of their courses, provided it is in addition to the required minimum of four courses. This option may not be elected for courses which are part of the core requirements for graduation. The Not-for-Rank-in-Class option allows students to elect such courses and to receive a quarterly letter grade and credit, but the courses will not impact rank in class. Applications for this option should be submitted to the grade level principal by the end of the first ten days of each semester. Since a letter grade is received for the quarter, Honor Roll is affected. The semester grade will be either a “P” or “F”.

How can I get credit for community service?
An application must be completed by the student and submitted within 2 weeks of the beginning of the semester in which the activity is to be undertaken. Applications are available from school counselors. For further information, please refer to the Program of Studies.

When will I get my grades?
Grades can be viewed via the MPS Mobile App approximately one week after the closing of grades.

How do I request transcripts after I have graduated?
Former students and alumni of Manchester High School, education verification companies, educational institutions and government agencies can now request High School Transcripts and education verifications by sending an email to