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Mission & Core Values

Manchester High School is committed to fostering student development both academically and socially through a strong student activities program. MHS offers a wide variety of co-curricular activities including clubs, organizations and athletics.  We believe that participation in school activities develops skills, provides direction in goal setting, and contributes ultimately to a positive school climate.

Core Values of the Office of Student Activities

Quality: We try to create only the best experiences for participants by providing quality programs.

Collaboration: Collaborative relationships with students, offices, organizations, and businesses are necessary for everything that we do. We work hard to create and maintain mutually beneficial and productive relationships with all.

Innovation: We believe that innovative ideas, programs, and strategies are needed to run a successful student activities office. We are committed to staying ahead of the curve, hosting trend-setting events, and continually improving our programs and services to better serve the MHS Community.

Student Development: We are dedicated to creating an environment that is conducive to student learning, leadership, self-discovery, and social growth by creating opportunities for engagement with other students, faculty, and staff outside of the classroom.

Fun: Simply put, the Office of Student Activities is in the business of producing fun. The events, programs, and services we provide create a welcoming, inclusive and entertaining environment for the MHS Community.

Contact Ms. Wabble with questions!

Ms. Lynn Wabble, Activities Coordinator